The shortlisted substances are registered by nearly 1 500 companies in 2 500 registration dossiers. The selection is based on an automated IT screening focusing on substances with potential carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction (CMR), persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT), endocrine-disrupting, sensitising or specific target organ toxicity following repeated exposure (STOT RE) properties.
A subset of substances are then further prioritised based on uses that are likely to lead to exposure to humans or release to the environment. The Member State competent authorities will then prioritise substances for their manual examination.
Companies affected have received or are about to receive a letter from ECHA informing them of the potential examination of their registrations. They are invited to update their dossiers to address any shortcomings as soon as possible. Up-to-date information will help the Member State authorities better assess whether the concern indicated by the screening is confirmed, and whether regulatory action is still needed.
If the Member States or ECHA take actions on a substance, this information will be published on the Agency's website, for example, in the list of substances potentially subject to compliance checks, the Registry of Intentions (RoI), the draft Community rolling action plan for substance evaluation, and the the Public Activities Coordination Tool (PACT), which lists substances under hazard assessment or risk management option analysis. Companies can check the status of their substance through the Search for chemicals available on ECHA's homepage.