IUCLID 6 LogoIUCLID (International Uniform Chemical Information Database) is a software application to capture, store, maintain and exchange data on intrinsic and hazard properties of chemical substances. It is a key software application essential for chemical industry to comply with the REACH legislation. The IUCLID tool will assist chemical companies globally in fulfilling their obligation to submit data (such as REACH registration dossiers) to the European Chemical Agency.

Data that can be stored and maintained with IUCLID  include information about:

  • The party running IUCLID  (production sites, contact persons, etc.)
  • The chemical substances, namely their:
  • Composition
  • Reference information, like CAS number, IUPAC name and other identifiers
  • Classification and labelling
  • Physical/chemical properties
  • Toxicological properties
  • Eco-toxicological properties
  • Any report relevant to the substance (e.g. study result, assessment)

The OECD and the European Commission have agreed on a standard XML format, called OECD Harmonised Templates (OHTs), in which most of the aforementioned data are stored for easy data exchange. IUCLID 5 was, in 2007, and is still today the first application that has fully implemented this international reporting standard.
Numerous parties are involved in the IUCLID Project that is managed in a joint effort by OECD and ECHA, helped in their tasks by OECD Member Countries, the Business and Industry Advisory Committee (BIAC) of OECD as well as by the entire IUCLID users community.