A report commissioned by ECHA to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, transparency and workability of substance evaluation under REACH, found the information on ECHA's website to be fairly comprehensive and fit for purpose.
The report mentions several positive aspects, particularly noting the valuable contribution that the integrated screening for candidate substances has had on selecting substances for the Community rolling action plan (CoRAP).
Furthermore, the Member States appreciate the support given to them by ECHA and the Member State Committee Secretariat. They also find the interaction between the evaluating Member State and registrants very helpful.
The report proposes a number of areas for fine-tuning substance evaluation including:
tackling the short deadlines under the legislation that both registrants and authorities struggle to comply with
improving the communication to registrants of the time schedule for decision making
accelerating the referral process to avoid creating a backlog of old cases
ensuring that CoRAP addresses substances that matter in light of the increasing workload and available resources
improving the interplay between substance evaluation and compliance check, i.e. always having a compliance check to address data gaps in support to substance evaluation.